
Jul 1, 2024 img img Read our new paper on ArviX on Fuzz Testing Java Programs.
May 1, 2024 img Just finished the Early Career Teaching and Learning program that the University of Minnesota. Great experience!
Apr 1, 2024 img Serving as organization admin and mentor for the JPF Organization in GSoC’24.
img For Students: checkout project ideas
Feb 23, 2024 JPF accepted to Google Summer of Code 2024! @Students stay tuned for GSoC’24 project announcements!
May 15, 2023 img We presented our paper at AST co-located with ICSE’2023. Check out our slides.
Apr 1, 2023 Serving as organization Admin for JPF in GSoC’23.
img For Students: checkout project ideas
Mar 9, 2023 img S. Hussein, S. McCamant, E. Sherman, V. Sharma, M. Whalen. Structural Test Input Generation for 3-Address Code Coverage Using Path-Merged Symbolic Execution, International Conference on Automation of Software Test. Accepted to AST’23
Feb 1, 2023 Serving as a mentor for JPF in GSoC’22.
img Java Ranger wins Bronze Medal (third-place) for the Java track at SV-COMP 2020!
Jan 15, 2023 img S. Hussein, Q. Yan, V. Sharma, S. McCamant, M. Whalen. Java Ranger at SV-COMP 2023 (Competition Contribution), Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems. Accepted to TACAS’23
Jan 14, 2023 Accepted a Lecturer position at the department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota - USA. Accepted UMN Offer
May 20, 2022 img Soha Hussein, Sanjai Rayadurgam, Stephen McCamant, Vaibhav Sharma, and Mats Heimdahl. Counterexample-Guided Inductive Repair of Reactive Contracts. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 10th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, 2022 Accepted to FormaliSE’23
Apr 1, 2022 Serving as a mentor for JPF in GSoC’22.
img For Students: checkout project ideas
Feb 1, 2022 Serving as a mentor for JPF in GSoC’22.
img Java Ranger wins Gold Medal (first-place) for the Java track at SV-COMP 2021!
Sep 1, 2021 Just starting an instructor position at UMN. So excited!
Sep 1, 2021 Just finished my internship at Amazon Applied Science ARG group! Great experience!
Sep 1, 2021 img Soha Hussein, Vaibhav Sharma, Stephen McCamant, Sanjai Rayadurgam, and Mats Heimdahl. Counterexample Guided Inductive Repair of Reactive Contracts. Accepted to ASE’21
Feb 1, 2021 Serving as a mentor for JPF in GSoC’22.
img Java Ranger wins Gold Medal (first-place) for the Java track at SV-COMP 2020!
Sep 1, 2020 Just finished my internship at Google Summer of Code. Great experience at JPF!
Jun 1, 2020 Just finished the Prepare Future Faculty Program that the University of Minnesota. Great experience!
Feb 1, 2020 Had the pleasure of giving 2 guests lectures at Saint Thomas University in MN. Great experience!
Jan 15, 2020 img Watch YouTube video for our recent publication at FSE’20.
Jan 15, 2020 img Java Ranger: Statically Summarizing Regions for Efficient Symbolic Execution of Java Vaibhav Sharma, Soha Hussein, Michael W. Whalen, Stephen McCamant, and Willem Visser. Accepted to FSE’20
Jan 15, 2020 img Watch YouTube video for our recent publication at FSE’20.